This message has been prepared for the healing power of God to flow in your body.
Matthew 3:3 For he is the one about whom Isaiah the prophet had spoken: “The voice of one shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make his paths straight.’”
One of the ways that is shown for the preparation of Jesus' entry into one's life is by 'making the paths straight'. Or that would mean to make straight those ways which He might walk through.
One factor about Jesus is that, He walks through a path and definitely you can be able to follow Him as according to John 14:6.
John 14:7 "If you have known me, you will know my Father too. And from now on you do know him and have seen him."
Jesus says about His Father and by saying that, He tells that we need the Father too, for the ministry of Jesus to be effective. Hence we see here that Jesus relates Himself to His Father. I believe the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity, has to come from the Father in order to perform His will for men.
John 14:15-16 “If you love me, you will obey my commandments. Then I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you forever"
Obeying the commandments of Jesus is an essential part in order to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit in one's life. The Advocate spoken of here is the Holy Spirit. He is the Person who communicates to God the Father about your situations.
John 14:30 "I will not speak with you much longer, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me."
Jesus here speaks of Satan, the enemy of God. Jesus says that He and Satan cannot stay in one place. Satan is called the prince of the world, because whoever are having thier hearts and minds upon the world are not eligible to enjoy the presence of God in their lives. There is a long-enduring fight between God's foces and that of Satan' not yesterday's or today's fight, it is an age-old fight. Hence where Jesus is present, we are equipped with power to defeat Satan, the killer of the weak and innocent. This is known as spiritual warfare and we can give you more details if you pray effectively and keep in touch.
John 14:30-31 "I will not speak with you much longer, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me, but I am doing just what the Father commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father."
Jesus came to do the 'will of the Father'. Jesus does not want to stay without the will of the Father. Jesus did not want to delay the coming of the Holy Spirit, who was planned to help mankind after the ministry of Jesus on earth by God the Father.
John 15:4 "Remain in me, and I will remain in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it remains in the vine, so neither can you unless you remain in me."
Jesus likes to have company with you and to have fellowship. In His presence you will find ther is no lack of knowledge. Jesus was very young when He was even able to speak to scholars and give them His valuable suggestions. You may receive favours in His presence, but when you love Him, you find His presence as very fulfilling experience. If you have felt an immense pleasure of being in the side of Jesus, even when you cannot see Him through your eyes?
Please let us know you experience. We would like to celebrate the joy you had in His presence. When you spend time with His words, the Bible, you may be able to enjoy His presence when you begin to undergo difficult situations. Remember, the presence of Jesus is costly, and hence He may choose His own time to visit you. in order to continue to have a partnership with you, you have to choose a ministry of fellowship or a church and to enable to live a life with His people. Enjoy your walk with Jesus!
You may ask what is that one has to do to be able to receive Jesus? When you are living in this world, there are times you need Jesus to confront the enemy, Satan. When you are confident of Jesus, there are many chances that you can defeat the devil by resisting him. Jesus has come to the world to prepare people for a life in Heaven. Hence you may exploit your resources fully in living a life which is pleasing to Jesus.
Oh what if I am a very sinful? What is that I can do?
If you say you are sinful, then Jesus Himself says that He is a doctor of repentance. In Matthew 9:13, He says that He came to minister to people who were 'sick'. Actually the meaning of sickness mentioned here is sin only. Sin makes a man self-centered and not opened to the fruits of living a happy and joyful life. Sin makes a man feel more or less like a luggage. There will be gloom and stagnation, where there are all chances for the sadness of the earth to creep in. The ministry of Jesus is for leading sinners to repentance. Jesus has defeated sin and He did that to free you from that!
I am not able to control myself, it is like it is too powerful for me!
Sin has hiding as its greatest tactic. If you are hiding something, then there is chances for darkness to enter through secrecy. If you give entry to darkness, then it is time you need Jesus to deliver you from it. The process of delivering oneself from sin is called repentance. Your mouth is the way out of your trouble. Like how people lodge a complaint in the Police Department in case of theft or robbery, it is wise to give complaint to Jesus. Jesus would send someone of His choice, to minister to you His words and compassion to deliver you. Your source of deliverance is through a person. Accept that person and make your friend. Pray that you are able to effectively fight against loneliness, which is the root cause of all sin. When you are too far away from like-minded people, even midst of being in a crowd, you are lonely! If you cannot fall in sin while you are lonely, great is your strength when you have to face temptations!
And for the continual oppression from sin, there are stages in which you must go through for complete deliverance. You have to have a trusted man of God as your mentor. You need to pray to God to keep you strong against your enemies. People may give wrong advise sometimes, that might lead you to more trouble and spoil your future. You must not rely on men for deliverance, but on God. God choose people to give you deliverance. Man is weak by birth. With little strength to fight against sin, one is little capable to help others. The process of overcoming sin is through a step-by-step process called renewing the mind.
I am designing some prayers for deliverance from sin in an effective manner. Please pray for the work and you may contribute to this blog and help improve it. Let us know if you are willing.
Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect.
The words 'present world' means many things that are in the world today. There is junk in every area of the world in which there are lot in media and in fashion departments.The words 'present world' means many things that are in the world today. There is junk in every area of the world including the media and in fashion departments. There is also junk in the hearts and minds of people. People are sometimes stubborn to old things, that they become an offense for new things to occur. Jesus loved to speak to the wise in the temple. Even when He was young, He was so scholarly that He could put them to astonishment.
Hence the process of overcoming sin is through a few steps.
1. Continually be ready to be in the company of good believers. Buy a good Bible which is available in different versions according to your choice and comfort.
2. Go to a church and speak to the preacher. Have some friends and engage in some church activity. Be active in helpig the poor and the needy. When they bless your life may be radically transformed.
3. Have a good location for reading the Bible. Let there be a good atmosphere to keep your mind relaxed. Keep away other articles away which may dirvert your attention.
4. Read your favourite scriptures first.
5. Slowly proceed to complicated verses. Complicated verses will automaticlly come to you, if you keep the simpler ones in your reach. God reveals through the Holy Spirit, and not thorugh by mechanical means.
6. Speak to Jesus as like how you invite a friend. Actually, He is your Brother!
7. Get the Spirit of God to move in your heart. The Holy Spirit settles in you, and He takes charge of informing your status now and then to God in Heaven.
8. Offer your time for the above process to happen. Give enough time for the Holy Spirit to work thorugh your mind, to make it clutter-free and remove other errors.
If you 'train' your mind this way, you will surely one day be strong enough to speak to the devil, "Hey, get out man! What is your business here?". The process goes until you reach a point where you will never have a doubt you have beaten your devil. Be aware! Do not be reckless and care-free.
Concentrate on the steps below.
1. Get a suitable person to study the Bible with.
2. Ask some people to regularly pray for you. If possible, find one person for each problem you have.
3. Speak boldly concerning your testimony in your church.
4. Read the lives and the success stories of those who have overcome similar problems.
5. Never be afraid. Fear is like a small stone which Satan throws in, in order to check if there is 'any room for him'. If you are smart enough, you can take the stone and throw back at him!
For comments and suggestions, contact us and let us know at our e-mail ID. If you have any praises concerning the blessings you received, please share with us, for we will be happy!