We believe a miracle is a sudden move of God to produce His plan for your life!
Jesus gave 3 steps to receive anything miraculously. 3 Steps to receive a job done by miracle-working power of God. Miracle-working power of God is accessed by a 'formula' of Jesus.
The formula can be said as: the SPEAK - DEFEND - BELIEVE formula
There are 3 different actions asked by Jesus, to be done by believers. There are 3 different steps to conceive a miracle. The first one is an action of our mouth. The second is controlling our mouth. Obviously, how better a man can keep unbelief out of him than this method? Third is an act of faith for access of power.
Jesus gave 3 steps to receive anything miraculously. 3 Steps to receive a job done by miracle-working power of God. Miracle-working power of God is accessed by a 'formula' of Jesus.
The formula can be said as: the SPEAK - DEFEND - BELIEVE formula
There are 3 different actions asked by Jesus, to be done by believers. There are 3 different steps to conceive a miracle. The first one is an action of our mouth. The second is controlling our mouth. Obviously, how better a man can keep unbelief out of him than this method? Third is an act of faith for access of power.
We see that if we found a mountain blocking our way of progress, we need to SPEAK, DEFEND/ CONFESS and BELIEVE.
Mark 11:23
For truly I say to you, That whoever shall say to this mountain, Be you removed, and be you cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatever he said.
Step #1 "Be you removed..."
Speak to the problem. This step involves active usage of the mouth.
Step #2 "...and shall not doubt in his heart..."
This step involves passive usage of mouth. Do not open your mouth to speak negative things or of no value. Maintain the integrity of what is done in Step #1.
I BELIEVE GOD SHOULD GIVE A TEACHING OR WORD OF KNOWLEDGE for maintaining and processing the burden.
Step #3 "...but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass..."
I BELIEVE GOD GIVES FAITH for the things in Step #1 to happen.
Do something for the Spirit of faith to act. Do an act of faith. Faith without works is dead according to Bible. An act can prove that you have faith. Hence the procedure is as discussed, SPEAK - DEFEND/confess - release FAITH.
I believe the duration for working of steps 2 & 3 differ from person to person [whether it is their first miracle, whether the power needed is enormous or small] and the step 3 is purely done through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a man. If a person is not able to understand step #2 properly, probably it is better to remain silent. It is better to remain silent if he does not know what to speak. Surely Jesus must have had lot of faith, because He gave example to move a mountain. Obviously a mountain is big. 'The mountain' differs from person to person. It may be cancer for one person; financial problem for another, office problem for yet another, etc. Probably every man has his own mountain to move.
Mark 11:23
For truly I say to you, That whoever shall say to this mountain, Be you removed, and be you cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass; he shall have whatever he said.
Step #1 "Be you removed..."
Speak to the problem. This step involves active usage of the mouth.
Step #2 "...and shall not doubt in his heart..."
This step involves passive usage of mouth. Do not open your mouth to speak negative things or of no value. Maintain the integrity of what is done in Step #1.
I BELIEVE GOD SHOULD GIVE A TEACHING OR WORD OF KNOWLEDGE for maintaining and processing the burden.
Step #3 "...but shall believe that those things which he said shall come to pass..."
I BELIEVE GOD GIVES FAITH for the things in Step #1 to happen.
Do something for the Spirit of faith to act. Do an act of faith. Faith without works is dead according to Bible. An act can prove that you have faith. Hence the procedure is as discussed, SPEAK - DEFEND/confess - release FAITH.
I believe the duration for working of steps 2 & 3 differ from person to person [whether it is their first miracle, whether the power needed is enormous or small] and the step 3 is purely done through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in a man. If a person is not able to understand step #2 properly, probably it is better to remain silent. It is better to remain silent if he does not know what to speak. Surely Jesus must have had lot of faith, because He gave example to move a mountain. Obviously a mountain is big. 'The mountain' differs from person to person. It may be cancer for one person; financial problem for another, office problem for yet another, etc. Probably every man has his own mountain to move.