We heard about God’s mighty deeds, now we have seen them, ​​​​​​in the city of the LORD, the invincible Warrior, ​​​​​​in the city of our God. ​​​​​​God makes it permanently secure. Psalms 48:8

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A way of deliverance

        Are you looking for help that would be like lifting off the pressure from your shoulders? Is there no one who you feel they could not help you? Is there some times when you feel lonely and depressed? Are you anxious about your future?

        My dear friend, there is no need to worry! There is a Person who you can rely on and depend on, at times when the pressure seems to take off above your head. Problems come to those who are worldly minded. In Mark 13:8, we see that this world is on a plane of increase in problems. The problems that you are seeing today are not only going to be there tomorrow, but there will be more problems, as according to the verse, "for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows."

        Thus we see that the problems are not going to cease. So when will you face relaxation? When is there is a hope of deliverance?

        If that is your question, the answer is rather not in the world. The solution for the problems of this world are not earthly, but heavenly. have you seen a child which plays about with a toy or around some trees without any tension? You know very well that the child needs to be educated and have to go through procedures of learning in order to be self-dependent or needing no body's assistance. But let me ask a question. Will that child be able to learn for it's survival in one day or within a short span of time?

        Well, you may not say that, but when you relate this to your problem, there are similarities. The child doesn't know, where as adults know - that's the only difference! Well, then what is the solution? If that child has to have a person to be able to teach, so that it acquires worldly knowledge and understanding, so do you, who live in this world.

        We find that all created beings, including humans were created for the purpose of God. We find this truth in Genesis 1:31, that "... God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good." When God created this world, He saw that it pleased Him. He felt His creation was 'good'. If that is the world that He created to be good to His sight, how could it have so much evil, worry and tension in the present day?

        We have to accept that there are evil forces that are operating in one's life. Some times it goes way beyond human control that things happen not as expected or desired, thus making the consequences miserable and unworthy. Hence, the things of the world, which was pleasing in the sight of the Creator, if looks bad, then the cause is of something not of the world. This is plain reasoning! Yes, there is a kingdom which is there, in which plans against the well-being of mankind operating, which is supernatural and invisible to the eye. That kingdom is evil! Those agents that operate for evil plans and the motives are indeed not earthly and have come from another realm. The realm which operates unknown to the physical realm of humans, but controls them is called as the supernatural realm.

        You may ask things such as, "How can I believe this?" or, "This is too spooky, I don't believe in ghosts", etc. You do not have to believe if it is not operating, but do you know that the one who does evil always likes to be hidden and not exposed. That's the clue. You have visited temples or worship places (if you believe in God), with the belief that there is a 'power' which controls human life and it must be respected in order to receive favour? Th same rule operated, but in a different perspective. If a power can operate for good and is responsible for favours to be granted, could there not be forces that operate which are not so desirable for mankind, but are opposing the well-being of humans.

        These which are made known to you here are not to make you afraid, but to raise up an alarm for these last days. There is an urgent need for awareness with respect to the increasing evil and violence in the world. There must be someone who stands up against this and must be able to effectively combat and be able to deliver people from getting stuck!

        Well, you may desire for such a thing to happen, isn't it? It is you, who have to stand up against these forces and give them a slap on their cheek to say it's not their right to affect mankind this way and it is not allowed. This blog is the right place where you have landed in order to do a series of changes to stop these forces from acting in our lives.

        I recommend you to stay in touch with this group and pray. There is no weapon like prayer and there is an urgent need for prayer. With further correspondence and other related matters, we can help ourselves to grow effective against the rising terror in the nations. Let God Be With You!