Dear brother and sister,
We would like to intercede for you and pray to Lord Jesus that He might work for you! This post is meant for clarification concerning intercession only and people from any place on the earth may request for intercession to be made. For God to move in your life, I would request you to abide by the following, so that our intercession works effectively for you.
- We come together in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Believe that Iwe are your brothers in Christ. Our faith will have enough control over your situation if you go in line with our 'Group Policy'. Anything spiritual and godly has the power to overcome the world (1 John 5:4).
- We have a High Priest, Jesus Christ who pleads the Father on our behalf (Hebrews 4:15). Make the right confession to see the change!
- For God to make changes in your life, you have to make commitments towards God. If you cannot make commitment with God will it be possible for God to change things in your life? Make your decisions firm in God.
- Share your knowledge with others like a community. Jesus Christ was put shame on the cross so that we should not be put to shame (John 19:23). When you speak the truth to others, you allow God to perform miracles in their lives as a testimony for believers.
Pray this prayer. Say this aloud, wherever you are.
Father, we come into Your presence in the name of Jesus Christ. We know that Your Son has come to set the captives free. Moreover, Your Spirit is the source of deliverance we are looking for. Allow the Spirit to flow through us and claim us for Your glory. We would like to carry the cross of Jesus upon our shoulders and hence set forth upon us, a clear mark and distinction that we are set apart form the rest in the world. Guide us through all knowledge and wisdom. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Scriptural Reference:
Luke 4:18
2 Corinthians 3:17
Acts 2:4
Matthew 11:29
Isaiah 61:9
John 14:26
Now that you have prayed, the Holy Ghost shall come upon you. This place is meant for deliverance. Always testify to what you have witnessed. Glory is what God expects and don't try to put off that what belongs to Him! May God Bless You.
Prayers for supernatural protection:
Dear God, we are earnestly desiring to live this year safely under Thy wings. We would be able to prove to be obedient this year and would be grateful if You could give words of wisdom to carry us through. We do not want to spend anything of ours that we have now hastily. You have to direct us in the right path. We need Your glory as a part of our lives. Thank You. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
For protection against unwanted thoughts:
If you have been receiving unclean thoughts, pray along with us.
My dear God, I fear Your name and I acknowledge that Your Son's name is he Highest and above all other names. I trust in You and I want You to guard my thought-life and help me to bear maximum fruit for Thy glory. Amen.
Enter your prayer requests in the 'Prayer Request' form. Do let us know what God has done in your life!
Enter your prayer requests in the 'Prayer Request' form. Do let us know what God has done in your life!